Tourist Attractions

YSR District 2011 Census Statistics

Total Number of HouseHold : 706204
In the age group 0-6 years331,586172,902158,684
Scheduled Castes (SC)465,794232,123233,671
Scheduled Tribes (ST)75,88638,57137,315
Total Worker1,320,404823,886496,518
Main Worker1,079,903734,544345,359
Main Worker – Cultivator217,681166,88250,799
Main Worker – Agricultural Labourers398,305204,157194,148
Main Worker – Household Industries44,75125,73719,014
Main Worker – Other419,166337,76881,398
Marginal Worker240,50189,342151,159
Marginal Worker – Cultivator25,9269,68016,246
Marginal Worker – Agriculture Labourers144,15043,870100,280
Marginal Worker – Household Industries11,0733,3247,749
Marginal Workers – Other59,35232,46826,884
Marginal Worker (3-6 Months)204,98574,971130,014
Marginal Worker – Cultivator (3-6 Months)20,3817,15213,229
Marginal Worker – Agriculture Labourers (3-6 Months)124,59837,09187,507
Marginal Worker – Household Industries (3-6 Months)8,9022,6156,287
Marginal Worker – Other (3-6 Months)51,10428,11322,991
Marginal Worker (0-3 Months)35,51614,37121,145
Marginal Worker – Cultivator (0-3 Months)5,5452,5283,017
Marginal Worker – Agriculture Labourers (0-3 Months)19,5526,77912,773
Marginal Worker – Household Industries (0-3 Months)2,1717091,462
Marginal Worker – Other Workers (0-3 Months)8,2484,3553,893
Non Worker1,562,065627,891934,174
Read :  Distribution of Population in Rural - Urban areas

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