Tourist Attractions


Kadapa district is endowed mainly with red and black soils ranging from poor to fertile soils. The soil of the district  has been classified into red ferruginous soil and black spoil. These two classes can be sub divided into clay, loam sand with finer distinctions.  Red soils occupy 53% of the cultivated area and are mostly situated in L. R. Palli, Rayachoty, Rajampet, Pulivendla and Kodur Mandals.  These soils have a low nutrient status. Black corson soil lands are 24%, black soil 19%, sandy soil lands 4%, red soil lands 25%.

KP Onions
KP Onions

The first variety lands are very fertile. Sand soil lands are not so fertile.Black soils are generally associated with clay content located in Muddanur, Jammalamadugu, Proddatur, Mydukur,  Pulivendla and Kamalapuram Mandals.

Paddy, Groundnut, Red gram, Cotton, Bengal gram are the major Agricultural crops.  

Mango, Citrus, Banana, Melons, Papaya are the fruit crops. 

Turmeric, kp Onion, Sunflower, Chillies, Coriander, sugarcane,  Vegetables and Chrysanthemum are other commercial crops grown in the district.

‘Korra’, orange, lime and betel leaf are the special crops. They are cultivated near river beds.

Read :  Home Guard selections in Kadapa on June 7



Sun Flower
Sun Flower

The net cropped area of kadapa district is 4.08 lak hectares, in which annual crops are grown to the extent of 3.97 lakhs hectares. The pre-dominant crop is rainfed Groundnut which accounts for 52% of the annual cropped area. Commercial crops are grown in 5% of the annual cropped area. Pulse account for 3 percent.The area under food crops is 0.99 lakh hectares, accounting for 25 percent of the cropped area. The area under non-food crops is 2.97 lakhs hectares accounting the balance.

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