Tourist Attractions
Narjampalli or Narajampalle is a village in Mylavaram Mandal of YSR (Kadapa) district and is part of Torrivemula Gram Panchayat. There exists an MP Elementary school in this village.

Narjampalli (Mylavaram Mandal)

Narjampalli or Narajampalle  is a village in Mylavaram Mandal of YSR (Kadapa) district and is part of  Torrivemula Gram Panchayat. It is located at a distance of 3KMs from Mylavaram town and is at a distance of 7KMs from Jammalamadugu town. There exists an MP Elementary school in this village.

Caste(s) : Reddys, Golla, Madiga, Mala

No of Houses : 300

Population : 750

Temple(s): SriRama Temple

Gram Panchayat : Torrivemula
Crops Cultivated : Cotton, Chilli, Paddy

Postal Address: 

Narjampalli (vi)
Mylavaram (m)
Kapapa (dt)
PIN – 516434

Read :  Castes and Tribes in Kadapa District - During 20th Century

Surnames : Avula, Pokala, Poluka, Bhumireddy, Rachamallu

Notable Personalities :

A.linga reddy – forest beat officer.
Gurivi Reddy – Politics
Muni Reddy – Politics

Nearest Town : Jammalamadugu (7KM)
Directions : Jammalamadugu –> Mylavaram –> Narjampalli
Submitted by : MadhuReddy

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