Tourist Attractions
Below is the list of units that were used in ancient Kadapa district for measurements. Some of the terms specific to the district people are also listed. Weights: 1 tula =11.2gms 20 tulas =1 Ser 6 Sers =1 Paanch Ser More....


Below is the list of units that were used in ancient Kadapa district for measurements. Some of the terms specific to the district people are also listed.


1 tula=11.2gms

20 tulas=1 Ser

6 Sers=1 Paanch Ser

12 Sers=1 dhadiyam

4 dhadiyams=1 mandi (manumu)


2 Kunchams=1 irisa

2 irisas=1 thumu

5 thumus=1 edum

2 edums=1 pandum

2 pandums=1 putti


4 veledus=1 bethedu (breadth of four fingers closed)

2 Janedus=1 mooredu

4 mooredus=1 baaredu


1 parlangu=2.5 miles

4 parlangus=1 amada (10 miles)


60 vighadias=1 ghadia (24 mins)

Read :  District and Sessions Judges - Kadapa

2 ghadias=1 muhurtam

7.5 ghadias=1 Jamu (three hours)


1 mattu=1 man’s height

1 kunta=1 cubit width and depth

1 gudhi=3 feet deep & 2 yards wide

Terms used to denote Time of the day: 

Repitala (Yakanneedi) 6AM – 9AM

Payitaala (amm(b)ala poddu)12Noon – 2PM

Pedda yesulla poddu 2PM – 4PM

Chinna Yesulla Poddu 4PM – 6PM

Mapitayaala (mapita jaamu)Evening till sunset

Sandhakada  From Sunset to till 8PM

Sag(y)irapoddu Late night

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Kadapa to Kakinada Bus Timings & Schedule

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