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Kadapa to Vellore RTC Bus Timings

APSRTC Buses that travels from Kadapa city to Vellore (A city in Tamilnadu). Bus timings, fare details, distance, route and coach details for those who want to travel from Kadapa and Vellore.

APSRTC Kadapa Enqury Phone Number: +91-8562 – 244160

APSRTC Online Resrvations:

Kadapa - Vellore Bus Timings

ServiceBus TypeDepatureArrivalVia
SuperLuxury02:3007:15Kadapa, Rayachoty, Kalakada, Pileru, Kalluru, Putalapattu, Chittoor
SuperLuxury03:1508:15Kadapa, Rayachoty, Kalakada, Pileru, Kalluru, Putalapattu, Chittoor
Express06:0011:30Kadapa, Rayachoty, Kalakada, Pileru, Kalluru, Putalapattu, Chittoor
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Note: Timings of bus services shown in the table above are subject to change at times, depending on passenger representations etc. It is advisable to confirm the timings through a telephone or personal/Phone enquiry from the staff at the APSRTC bus station.

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