Tourist Attractions

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  1. Hi,

    MobiAdz is an leading mobile Ad-Network.

    We are interested in monetizing your wap/app inventory.

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  2. my personal information published your website remove immediately otherwise i go to legal action
    it is very series

    • Dear Madhu, We pulished those details earlier with your consent. As per your latest email our support desk removed your contact details from the website

      • my personal information published your website remove immediately otherwise i go to legal action
        it is very series

  3. devuni kadapa sri venkateshwara swamy is crowded temple any long Q for darshans please info and can we get the room from temple trust if yes please provide the devuni kadapa sri venkateshwara swamy teample truest web site or contact number

    • Devuni kadapa is within Kadapa city range. You do not need to worry about darshan & accomodation. You can get it easily.

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