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Rajampet(a) to Chitvel Bus Timings

Rajampet to Chitvel Bus Timings, Fare, Distance and enquiry phone numbers

APSRTC running 44 bus(es) on Rajampet to Chitvel route. It takes 0h 54m on an average to reach Chitvel from Rajampet.The distance between Rajampet and Chitvel is approximately 25.7 km. Find the latest Rajampet – Chitvel bus timings with updated schedules, fares and plan your trip. Safe travels!

Contact Numbers

  • APSRTC Rajampet Bus Station Enquiry: Not Available
  • APSRTC Chitvel Bus Station Enquiry: Not Available
  • APSRTC Customer Care: +91 - 866 2570005/149
  • APSRTC Ticket booking portal:

Rajampet to Chitvel RTC Bus Timings

Service (Depot)Bus TypeDep. TimeArr. TimeTravel TimeFromToStatus
NL11/1 (Rajampet )Express04:30:0006:00:001h 30mRajampetChitvel Arrived
GRPL/1 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu05:15:0006:23:001h 8mRajampetChitvel Arrived
GRP1/1 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu05:30:0006:45:001h 15mRajampetChitvel Arrived
NL15/1 (Rajampet )Express05:45:0006:30:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
TP15/1 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu05:45:0006:30:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
KC04/1 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu06:00:0006:50:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
VB02/1 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu06:15:0007:00:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
NL12/1 (Rajampet )Express06:30:0007:15:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
KC05/1 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu07:00:0007:50:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
CN11/1 (Rajampet )Express07:15:0008:10:000h 55mRajampetChitvel Arrived
CL21/7 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu07:45:0008:35:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
NL14/1 (Rajampet )Express08:00:0008:45:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
ASM1/3 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu08:30:0009:15:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
GD21/3 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu08:45:0009:30:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
RJP3/2 (Nellore1 )Express08:45:0009:35:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
RJP4/2 (Nellore1 )Express09:30:0010:20:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
RJP1/2 (Nellore1 )Express10:15:0011:10:000h 55mRajampetChitvel Arrived
TGP1/1 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu10:30:0011:15:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
KC04/3 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu11:00:0011:50:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
RJP5/2 (Nellore1 )Express11:00:0011:50:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
KC05/3 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu11:30:0012:20:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
RJP2/2 (Nellore1 )Express11:45:0012:40:000h 55mRajampetChitvel Arrived
NL11/3 (Rajampet )Express12:30:0013:20:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
MG21/1 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu12:30:0013:45:001h 15mRajampetChitvel Arrived
ASM1/5 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu12:30:0013:23:000h 53mRajampetChitvel Arrived
GD21/5 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu13:00:0013:45:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
NL15/3 (Rajampet )Express13:15:0014:00:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
CL21/1 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu13:30:0014:15:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
NL12/3 (Rajampet )Express14:00:0014:50:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
CN11/3 (Rajampet )Express14:45:0015:35:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
TGP1/3 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu14:45:0015:30:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Arrived
GRP1/5 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu15:15:0016:10:000h 55mRajampetChitvel Arrived
KC04/5 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu15:30:0016:20:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
NL14/3 (Rajampet )Express15:30:0016:25:000h 55mRajampetChitvel Arrived
KC05/5 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu16:00:0016:50:000h 50mRajampetChitvel Arrived
RJP3/4 (Nellore1 )Express16:15:0017:15:001h 0mRajampetChitvel Running
RJP4/4 (Nellore1 )Express17:00:0018:10:001h 10mRajampetChitvel Running
GRP1/7 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu17:15:0019:00:001h 45mRajampetChitvel Scheduled
CL21/3 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu17:30:0018:15:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Scheduled
RJP1/4 (Nellore1 )Express17:45:0018:40:000h 55mRajampetChitvel Scheduled
RJP5/4 (Nellore1 )Express18:30:0019:40:001h 10mRajampetChitvel Scheduled
TGP1/5 (Rajampet )Pallevelugu19:00:0019:45:000h 45mRajampetChitvel Scheduled
RJP2/4 (Nellore1 )Express19:15:0020:25:001h 10mRajampetChitvel Scheduled
50551 (Rajampet )Super Luxury20:00:0020:30:000h 30mRajampetChitvel Scheduled
Read :  Rajampeta to Hyderabad (mgbs) Bus Timings & Schedule

Note: Timings of bus services shown in the table above are subject to change. It is advisable to confirm the timings through a telephone or personal enquiry from the staff at the bus stations.

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