APSRTC Buses that start from Bangalore to Kadapa. Bus timings, fare details, distance, route and coach details for those who want to travel from Bangalore to Kadapa, the capital of YSR district in Andhra Pradesh.
APSRTC Bangalore Enquiry Phone number: 080 – 22873915/ 080-65791646
APSRTC Kadapa Enqury Phone Number: 08562 – 244160
Bangalore to Kadapa Bus Timings, Fare, Distance and enquiry phone numbers
APSRTC running 41 bus(es) on Bangalore to Kadapa route. It takes 6h 30m on an average to reach Kadapa from Bangalore.The distance between Bangalore and Kadapa is approximately 248 km. Find the latest Bangalore – Kadapa bus timings with updated schedules, fares and plan your trip. Safe travels!
Contact Numbers
- APSRTC Bangalore Bus Station Enquiry: +91 - 8022873915, 65791646/+91-9945516545
- APSRTC Kadapa Bus Station Enquiry: +91 - 8562244160/+91-99592 26317
- APSRTC Customer Care: +91 - 866 2570005/149
- APSRTC Ticket booking portal: www.apsrtconline.in
Bangalore to Kadapa RTC Bus Timings
Service (Depot) | Bus Type | Dep. Time | Arr. Time | Travel Time | From | To | Status |
50145 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 04:00:00 | 11:00:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
6204 (Badvel ) | Super Luxury | 04:30:00 | 11:00:00 | 6h 30m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
6206 (Badvel ) | Super Luxury | 05:30:00 | 12:00:00 | 6h 30m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
50182 (Mydukur ) | Super Luxury | 06:00:00 | 13:00:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
6011 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 06:30:00 | 13:30:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
50103 (Rayachoti ) | Ultra Deluxe | 07:30:00 | 14:15:00 | 6h 45m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
6019 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 08:15:00 | 15:15:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
6074 (Kadapa ) | Indra Ac | 09:00:00 | 15:30:00 | 6h 30m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
6066 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 10:00:00 | 17:00:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
9267 (Kadapa ) | Indra Ac | 10:30:00 | 17:00:00 | 6h 30m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
9255 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 11:30:00 | 18:30:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
6015 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 13:30:00 | 20:30:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
50194 (Kadapa ) | Amaravathi Multiaxle Ac | 14:30:00 | 21:00:00 | 6h 30m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Arrived |
50013 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 15:30:00 | 22:30:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
6005 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 16:30:00 | 23:30:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5779 (Kandukur ) | Super Luxury | 18:15:00 | 23:50:00 | 5h 35m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5226 (Kavali ) | Super Luxury | 19:10:00 | 02:00:00 | 6h 50m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
7745 (Kandukur ) | Super Luxury | 19:20:00 | 02:30:00 | 7h 10m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5296 (Atmakur N ) | Super Luxury | 19:40:00 | 02:00:00 | 6h 20m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5951 (Podili ) | Super Luxury | 19:45:00 | 03:00:00 | 7h 15m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5804 (Kanigiri ) | Super Luxury | 20:10:00 | 02:30:00 | 6h 20m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
50079 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 20:15:00 | 03:15:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
46504 (Udayagiri ) | Super Luxury | 20:15:00 | 02:00:00 | 5h 45m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5282 (Atmakur N ) | Super Luxury | 20:20:00 | 02:50:00 | 6h 30m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
6558 (Allagadda ) | Super Luxury | 20:30:00 | 03:00:00 | 6h 30m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
48484 (Kanigiri ) | Super Luxury | 20:40:00 | 02:45:00 | 6h 5m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5213 (Udayagiri ) | Super Luxury | 20:45:00 | 02:30:00 | 5h 45m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
6017 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 21:00:00 | 04:00:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5273 (Atmakur N ) | Super Luxury | 21:10:00 | 02:55:00 | 5h 45m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5978 (Markapuram ) | Super Luxury | 21:15:00 | 03:15:00 | 6h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
50062 (Kadapa ) | Super Luxury | 21:45:00 | 04:45:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
5228 (Kavali ) | Super Luxury | 21:45:00 | 04:05:00 | 6h 20m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
6241 (Rayachoti ) | Ultra Deluxe | 22:00:00 | 04:30:00 | 6h 30m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
9253 (Kadapa ) | Indra Ac | 22:15:00 | 05:15:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Running |
50805 (Proddutur ) | Super Luxury | 22:30:00 | 04:30:00 | 6h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Scheduled |
6007 (Kadapa ) | Indra Ac | 22:40:00 | 05:40:00 | 7h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Scheduled |
6208 (Badvel ) | Super Luxury | 22:45:00 | 04:50:00 | 6h 5m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Scheduled |
9489 (Proddutur ) | Super Luxury | 23:00:00 | 05:00:00 | 6h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Scheduled |
50192 (Kadapa ) | Amaravathi Multiaxle Ac | 23:15:00 | 04:30:00 | 5h 15m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Scheduled |
6238 (Badvel ) | Super Luxury | 23:30:00 | 05:30:00 | 6h 0m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Scheduled |
9257 (Kadapa ) | Amaravathi Multiaxle Ac | 23:45:00 | 05:00:00 | 5h 15m | Bangalore | Kadapa | Scheduled |
Note: Timings of bus services shown in the table above are subject to change. It is advisable to confirm the timings through a telephone or personal enquiry from the staff at the bus stations.
Note: Timings of bus services shown in the table above are subject to change at times, depending on passenger representations etc. It is advisable to confirm the timings through a telephone or personal enquiry from the staff at the APSRTC bus station.
I’m not able to book tickets
Dear manjunath, Thanks for your feedback. APSRTC changed their website URL recently. We have it updated now. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.